Meet Sabina

Sabina lives a rustic lifestyle in Northern California, along with five luminous horse Beings, called the Herd of Light, two feline soul friends, and one human soulmate, Alani.

It was over twelve years ago that horses mysteriously entered her life. You can read more of her story of deep surrender in the blog, “There’s Only One Heart.“  Soon upon the herd’s arrival ,Yoshi, the lead mare, made clear her intention for the herd to be of service to the Awakening of Humankind. in 2017 their journey evolved into offering weekly Animal and Nature Assisted Awakening Gatherings, where Sabina and the Herd share insights and transmissions from the many Beings of Light that co-create an active matrix of remembrance for us all. In the same year she founded the active Facebook Group, “Animal and Nature assisted Awakening” with over 3500 members.

Sabina has been a student of many traditions, including Sufism, where she is a teacher and guide in the lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan, and has studied with teachers of Gnosticism, Buddhism, Kriya Yoga and Non-Dual Meditation. She is a 3rd degree Reiki Master and learned the technique of subtle energy readings and healings from Pathways Institute in Northern California, in 1998. She has offered energy readings and healings for individuals for over twenty years and has an active Spiritual Counseling practice.

Sabina loves to sing, compose original music and create multidimensional Nature Art which is available on her Etsy store, LotusFireArts.

She has devoted her life to the discovery and evolution of the Awakening of Consciousness and to the work of supporting and holding Space for all our sacred journeys toward Awakening.

Feel free to contact Sabina directly, she would love to hear from you and is Eternally Grateful for your co-creative Presence here as One Herd One Heart.