
Welcome to One Herd One Heart.

Thank you for visiting.  This site was born out of the multidimensional world that the Herd of Light has entrained me to and continues to teach me to embody.

The whole universe is sentient. Notice how it is always expressing, always in direct communication, always in an authentic stance of Beingness. For many of us, it feels hard to remember how alive and interconnected this field of life is and especially difficult, at times, to sense how sentient the unseen world is. Our human collective is, for the most part, not focused on this field of Interbeingness. Nevertheless, I am certain this focus is shifting, because I witness it blossoming inside of me.

A Transmission from the Herd of Light, on Interbeingness:

Breathe in Interbeingness. Instead of feeling into your separateness, feel your Interbeingness. Where does your breath begin and another’s end? Where do the breaths meet? Where one begins and another ends fade into interbeingness – we’ll meet you there.”

It may seem impossible to perceive with faculties of direct perception – the ones which bypass the mind. It may seem unlikely that we can hear the whispering in the wind, or the insights that the clouds are sharing. But, when a thousand pound lifeform in the shape of a Horse looks you softly and deeply in the eye and your heart bursts forth, offering a key that unlocks a hidden inner door, it is hard to deny that sentience is communicating with itself. There is a field of Interbeingness and it is being birthed anew by you and I simply by recognizing it.

This world of expansive Beingness, was once a world I only searched for through meditation and contemplation, and through studying and sitting with spiritual teachers. This world became more real for me when our herd, and specifically an older, wiser, Buddha Horse named Omar came into our lives six years ago. He was disguised in the magnificent form of a shiny black Tennessee Walking horse.  But who he really was, and the vastness of his Spirit became apparent to us upon the unexpected dissolution of his form on May 8, 2016.

Great Beings are touchstones that remind us of our own potentiality, that help us drop the veil of forgetfulness and remember who we are. Omar’s vast Spirit continues to hold and guide The Herd of Light, and me, as we offer this work of love. It was Yoshi, our head mare, who clearly showed me the vision, the message, the deep soul intention which she shared with me in her transmission, ” I want this herd, with you, to be of Service.” I did not know what that meant at the time, but nine years later, One Herd One Heart is blossoming,  thanks to all who hear the call, whispering through the wind…thanks to the animals who lead the way Home.

“Who am I?
Ancient whisperings in the wind
traveling through time and space –

through the dimension of timelessness and formlessness.

Who am I?
Morphing from question
to an echo through the caves of silence-
a wordless thirst.

Here we are holding the bottomless chalice together
passing it from our lips
to our hearts

and offering the quenching of this thirst
back to the wind.”
